Our advice is usually to enter into a bi-annnual maintenance agreement.  Experience has taught us that properly maintained and well serviced fire pumps provide much greater reliability and lower lifetime running costs.  Our maintenance agreements will ensure that your scheduled servicing provides significant savings, but more importantly, peace of mind that your fire protection system is always fully operational.  Test certification is provided on site when the equipment is serviced and this is followed-up with digital certification the same day.

At every service interval, each set is tested to its maximum duty requirements taking in 5 points of flow, pressure and speed, this in turn allows the client to submit these readings to their insurance provider giving confidence that the sets are capable of the necessary requirements of that particular site. This also gives MB Firepumps and the client an insight into any wear within the pumps or diminishing engine performance which can be rectified quickly before total failure occurs.

All maintenance services are fully compliant with the requirements outlined in the LPCB & FM/UL standards.  Servicing is inclusive of updated LPCB Technical Bulletin TB203:2015:1 (TB203.A.1) available on request and we provide responsible waste disposal service for all redundant oil and filters.

If your fire pump breaks down there is no sprinkler system.

Fire Pumps are a crucial part of the sprinkler system providing water pressure to operate sprinkler systems within milliseconds whether the site has a single pump or multiple pumps of diesel driven or electric motor driven sets, if the pumps don’t start THERE IS NO SPRINKLER SYSTEM.

We appreciate the need for rapid response in the event of a fire pump breakdown.  Our engineers are located strategically across Scotland and the North of England so that we can provide the quickest possible response in the event of a breakdown.

On the event of a breakdown, you call is logged and assigned to one of our engineers and you will be kept fully informed about when they will arrive at your premises. On arrival, they will do an assessment of the problem, and very often they will successfully repair the equipment during the call, or perform a temporary repair to provide temporary cover until replacement parts can be delivered.

In our experience, fire pump system housings can be located in areas with very restricted access and very little room to work.  Yet, in MB Firepumps’ history we have never failed to successfully remove a retired fire pump, or install new equipment in the existing fire pump room.  Our engineers are experienced in stripping old machines for safe removal, and stripping new pumps to be reassembled on site.

We can also provide a pump room  refurbishment whilst we are installing your new fire pump equipment.